Pawnee County
In Pawnee County, there are so many attractions that tour buses allow you to pick and choose what you want for the day, tailoring your experience to fit your interests and the amount of time you have. Anyone wishing to tour picturesque Pawnee County may call (402) 852-2444 to get set up or visit the tourism office at 624 G St.
Attractions include a bison farm and sustainable farm for large groups to see. We have an Amish furniture shop and small country store with baked goods available from them during the Farmers Market in the summer and other special days. Large groups or tour busses can make arrangements to eat in an Amish home with a full meal. There are several stores and businesses located in the county now.
Pawnee County has five wildlife management areas where you can see many different kinds of birds or you can hunt. You can pick up a bird brochure at the tourism office located in Pawnee City. Two lakes provide water recreation in Pawnee County. Burchard Lake is located 8 miles west and 4 miles north of Pawnee City. It is a 150-acre lake. In the park around the lake, blinds have been constructed so you can watch Prairie Chickens booming in February, March, and April. You can also fish in this lake. Iron Horse Trail Lake is located 1/4 mile north of DuBois and 1 mile east. You can fish there. It was completely renovated in 2010.
Pawnee Attractions
Burchard, Nebraska
Visit Harold Lloyd Museum Website
The Harold Lloyd Home is where the 1920s silent movie entertainer was born. His silent movies can be shown there. It is now a museum and his memorabilia can be seen there. It is open by appointment. Call (402) 865-4665 or (402) 865-4725 for a tour.
DuBois, Nebraska
ZCBJ Hall has one-of-a-kind architecture. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and has dances on weekends. ZCBJ Hall is located east of Pawnee City on Highway 8 & 50 to 706 Road, then turn right (62568 706 Road). For more information, call (402) 859-4562.
Pawnee City Historical Society & Museum
501 P Street, Pawnee City
(402) 852-3131
Pawnee City Historical Society and Museum have added two new buildings in 2010. U.S. Sen. Kenneth Wherry’s Library is now open with his memorabilia. The desk from his Washington, D.C., office is on display. Many pictures of the devastation of Germany during World War II are stored on a computer in this building. The senator took these pictures when he was sent there by the federal government to witness the devastation. The other new building is the Irene LeSeur genealogy research center. Over 450 digital pictures are available for sale; cemetery records for the county, school records for country schools and many other things can be located. These two buildings make a total of 22 located at the museum preserving the history of Pawnee County. The barn where Larry the Cable Guy did chores as a youngster has been moved to the site and renovated and painted. On the 4th weekend of Sept. the Museum holds Pawnee City Historical Days with Civil War Reenactments every other year with demonstrations, vendors, museum open, twilight walk. Go to for more information.
The Pedal Clinic
70527 Highway 65, Pawnee City
(402) 852-2655
Located at Highway 8 and I Street, it has more than 450 pedal cars, tractors, airplanes and other toys of interest to both young and old. It is located in a restored church. Call (402) 852-2655 for appointment.
Schilling Bridge Winery & Microbrewery
62193 710 Road, Pawnee City
(402) 852-2400
Nebraska’s first farm winery-microbrewery combination. Wine-tasting events are held throughout the year. Taste their award-winning wines.
Visit their Web site or call (402) 852-2400 to find out the many events they have.
See signs on Buildings
(402) 839-3003
Visit Table Rock Museum Website
Table Rock Museum is a nine-building complex featuring an 1877 Catholic Church with interior murals. A new building honors veterans of all wars. The Lawrence and Nettie Stehlik building is another new one with their memorabilia in it.

Pawnee County Courthouse

Harold Lloyd Museum at Burchard

ZCBJ Hall near DuBois

Pawnee City Historical Society & Museum Sign

Schilling Bridge Winery & Microbrewery

Amish Buggy/ Amish Community Outside of Pawnee City

Civil War Reenactments at Pawnee City Museum

Prairie Chickens at Burchard Lake